Why I Write

I write because I wanna express myself. I write because I wanna speak my mind. I write because it’s the only way I can shout out loud my emotions. I write because I wanna be heard. I write because I wanna be understood. I write because it eases the frustrations and shortcomings I have. I write because it’s the only thing I knew from the start. Writing makes me feel free. Writing is my sanctuary.

I write what I feel. I write what I want. I know I’m not a good writer. I neither have the perfect grammar nor the widest vocabulary but, I’m pretty sure of what I’m trying to say is based on what I feel and is coming from the heart. No pretensions at all. I can tell the world what’s within me without asking me why. It makes me happy whenever I tried to write something and it comes out good. A different kind of feeling. So self-rewarding.

Writing is the only form of escape I can I ever have. Whenever I’m upset, I can easily write it down. Whatever mood I am in, when I start to write, everything changes. I’m not that intelligent, not into sports, don’t have that angelic voice to serenade people nor the happy feet to dance on the floor but, there’s one thing I wanna do. That is to WRITE. I don’t know how far can I go but I know this journey is just the beginning.

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